Become a Volunteer!
We're looking for passionate Cat Lounge Attendants to join our volunteer team! If you love cats and can commit to a weekly or bi-weekly 2-hour shift for at least one month, we'd love to hear from you.
2 hour Shifts:
12 PM - 2 PM
3PM - 5PM
4PM - 6 PM
Volunteer Duties:
Cleaning the lounge and litter boxes
Socializing with our feline friends
Feeding the cats
Enforcing lounge rules to ensure a safe, enjoyable environment for everyone
Take pictures for our visitors
Who Can Apply:
Individuals aged 18 and over
Those with a volunteer program for work or school encouraged
Our Promise to You:
Dedicated volunteers who show dependability and dedication may have the opportunity to become paid employees in the future. As a token of our appreciation, after completing four shifts (one month of service), you'll receive 2 complimentary entries to the lounge for you and a friend.
Complete the application below to become a volunteer.